Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Series 2022 has been Cancelled

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Series 2022 has been Cancelled

While the local and regional YCS (Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series) event are continuing on, Konami has decided to cancel the 2022 WCS (Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Series 2022).

In a recent post Konami stated:

In light of the current world situation, it is difficult to hold preliminary tournaments, so we will not be holding “Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Series 2022” this year.

We sincerely apologize to everyone looking forward to the event.

For each Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game title, we are preparing events and tournaments people can enjoy both offline and online. We’ll keep you updated through official websites, social media accounts, etc. as more information becomes available.

Here is a tweet from Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.

We hope that this is the last time that this event is skipped due to world events. What do you think?
