YuGiOh! Anime Season 0

S0-06 An Unavoidable Friendship Battle

Season 0-06 – An Unavoidable Friendship Battle

“Desperate Situation!! The Passionate Battle of Friendship.”
“Zettai Zetsumei!! Atsuki Yūjō Kessen” (絶体絶命!! 熱き友情決戦)
Aired JAPAN: May 9, 1998

At night, Professor Yoshibori is sitting alone in his house reading about Kanekura’s incident in the newspaper. Soon, Grandpa will be visiting, but he isn’t looking forward to it. Shadi is standing in the room with Yoshibori, but Yoshibori doesn’t see him yet. Yoshibori realizes he’s tired. Finally, he sees Shadi’s reflection and turns around. Shadi introduces himself as Anubis’ disciple. Yoshibori is surprised. Shadi says he’s the other one who violated the Valley of the Kings. He lifts up the Millenium Scale and tells Yoshibori he will now be judged. Yoshibori is in shock. He tells Shadi to stay away.

Meanwhile, Grandpa is walking to the professor’s house. Suddenly, he hears a crash. He looks up and sees Yoshibori falling out the window and into the bushes. Shadi says Yoshibori is feeling the Valley of the King’s pain. He then walks away.

ScreenShot: 6: An Unavoidable Friendship Battle

Yoshibori has been rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, Grandpa walks out the room and reports to Yuugi and the gang that the problem isn’t fatal. He then tells everyone to go home. Yuugi asks about Grandpa, and Grandpa says he’ll stay at the hospital the whole night. On the way home, Anzu wonders what happened to both Kanekura and Yoshibori. They both were people of the Egypt excavation. Jounouchi thinks it’s a curse. Miho gets scared, but Honda assures her curses don’t exist.

Little does the group know that Shadi is watching them walk home. Honda says he’ll protect Miho even if curses did exist. Jounouchi begins to pick a fight with Honda, and Anzu tells them to not argue in the street. Shadi tells himself once he’s done with the judgments in this country, he’ll finish matters with Yuugi. He recalls meeting Yami in his mind. He almost fell from Yami’s trap, but Yami extended his hand and saved him. Shadi losing to Yami’s game has been bothering Shadi all this time. He can’t leave the country until all his problems are gone.

At an intersection, Anzu says her house is in the other direction. She says goodbye to her friends and walks off. Shadi plans to use Anzu to draw forth the other Yuugi. He takes out his Millenium Ankh, for it is the key to open the mind of Anzu. Anzu’s eyes go blank, and Shadi makes entry into her mind. He notices the room is surrounded by mirrors, almost like a dance training room. Shadi says the mirrors reflect oneself; they create confidence in herself. Anzu’s mind is also filled with dreams. It also contains a picture of a man with no face. Shadi has no idea what that means. He senses good will in Anzu and pities her for being a part of his plan. However, he still wants to draw out the Yuugi, and so he goes forth with his dark plan.

At school, Honda points to an object on Jounouchi’s forehead. Jounouchi exclaims it’s a talisman. Then Honda points to a strange necklace around Jounouchi’s neck. Jounouchi says the curse will come for them next! Honda firmly states curses don’t exist. Besides, even if they did, as long as his heart is clean, he has nothing to worry about. Yuugi sees Anzu walk into the room, and he greets her. Anzu just takes a seat and doesn’t answer Yuugi. She looks up, with completely blank eyes, and smiles at Yuugi.

During class, the instructor says he will be measuring each students’ strength. But first the field must be prepared. He asks Yuugi to bring the white line maker. Yuugi walks into the shed, looking for the white line maker. He finally finds it, but as he takes it, a bunch of poles come tumbling down. They almost hit Yuugi! Anzu is also in the shed, hidden from Yuugi’s view. After class, Yuugi, Jounouchi and Honda head to the rooftop. At the top of the stairs is Anzu. Suddenly, a basketball comes rolling down the stairs and knocks Yuugi off his feet. He falls down the stairs, and Jounouchi and Honda run to him. They think Yuugi should go to the school infirmary.

Yuugi walks into the infirmary, but no one is there. Anzu has apparently been trailing Yuugi because she is hidden in the infirmary. Meanwhile, Jounouchi wonders how Yuugi is doing. Honda says classes are going to start soon. Suddenly, they see Miho standing in front of the infirmary. Honda asks if she’s sick or hurt. Miho says that’s not it; she saw Anzu walk in earlier and wonders if she’s not feeling well. Plus, she has noticed Anzu acting strange lately. The three of them enter the infirmary. They are surprised to see Anzu on top of Yuugi. Jounouchi runs to Yuugi and knocks Anzu off him. Anzu begins to speak, but with Shadi’s voice. Anzu wants Yuugi to show his true power. Then she runs away. Jounouchi wonders what happened to Anzu. He asks Yuugi if he’s okay, and Yuugi says yes.

The gang searches the whole school for Anzu, but they can’t seem to find her. When they regroup, Miho wonders what happened to Anzu’s voice. Jounouchi thinks it’s the Egyptian curse. Honda says if that’s true, then one of them could be next. He tells everyone to split up and search for Anzu again. As they leave, Honda shouts out to not roam through the school corridors because classes have begun. As he says this, Shadi suddenly approaches Honda from behind.

While searching for Anzu, Yuugi suddenly sees her walking towards the roof. He runs and follows her. He opens the doors and sees Anzu on a plank with a rope tied to her body. One step, and Anzu could fall off the roof and to her death. Yuugi runs towards Anzu, but he is stopped by Shadi. Shadi says he’s been trying to draw out the other Yuugi, but he still hasn’t appeared yet. Yuugi has no idea what Shadi is talking about. Shadi says he will use another method to draw out the other Yuugi. He tells Yuugi that Anzu is his puppet. He can command Anzu to do whatever he says!

Meanwhile, Jounouchi and Miho regroup. Unfortunately, neither of them could find Anzu. They see Honda approaching them, and Jounouchi asks if he found her. However, Honda isn’t to his normal self. He walks like a zombie towards Jounouchi and Miho. Jounouchi asks what’s wrong. Honda doesn’t answer him. He takes out a broom and begins swinging it at Jounouchi and Miho. They freak out and run away from him.

Shadi tells Yuugi to be hateful and sad. At the boundaries of his feelings, the other Yuugi is waiting! Finally, the Millenium Puzzle activates, and the other Yuugi appears. He doesn’t appear to look very happy. Yuugi can’t believe Shadi would use her in his own game. Shadi says he wants to finish matters with him. He tells Yuugi if he loses the game, he will lose Anzu. Before Shadi explains the rules, he decides to tell Yuugi something about the Millenium Puzzle. Yuugi may have thought it was a coincidence he solved the puzzle, but in fact, the puzzle chose him! The Millenium Puzzle has been waiting for three thousand years. These Millenium items have also chosen Shadi and his family. Yuugi isn’t interested; he just wants Shadi to explain the rules of the game.

Shadi tells Yuugi not to be frightened. Somewhere in Yuugi’s heart, he’s afraid of his own power, the unknown power of the Millenium Puzzle! As proof, Shadi points to the fence. The rope that is holding Anzu to the roof is tied to some miniature statues, which are wrapped around the fence. Shadi uses his power to break one of the statues. Instantly, the rope that is holding Anzu weakens. Shadi tells Yuugi the game has already started. Those statues reflect Yuugi’s heart. When Yuugi shows weakness in his heart, the statues will break one by one. If the remaining three statues break, Anzu will be destroyed. However, Yuugi does have an opportunity to win. Tied to the statues is the Millenium Ankh. What’s holding that in place is a statue reflecting Shadi’s heart.

Yuugi understands now. If Shadi’s statue can break first, the Millenium Ankh will be released, and Anzu will be able to touch it. If she does, she will regain her senses, and Shadi will lose. Shadi says the one who shows weakness in their heart is the loser. Now that the rules have been explained, the game begins.

Yuugi and Shadi stand on opposite sides of the roof. The first round begins. Something blasts through the ground, and a hole appears.

Meanwhile, Honda continues to chase Jounouchi and Miho through the school. Jounouchi grabs Miho’s hand and turns the corner. Back on the roof, a monster emerges from the ground behind Yuugi and grabs him. Shadi tells Yuugi he must beat the first round to kill the monster. The first round is called Yami Concentration. A three-by-three squared game board pops out in front of Yuugi. Behind each slate are pairs of the same picture. Yuugi says there’s nine slates, so there’s too many for pairs. Shadi says the middle slate will be the one leftover. In this particular game, Yuugi will have to say what the middle slate contains. However, Yuugi will only be able to turn over each slate once.

Shadi decides to give Yugi a hint. He says the slates are a mirror that reflect the monster that is constraining Yuugi. Yuugi wonders what the slates could be. As he thinks, another statue suddenly begins to crack. Meanwhile, Honda continues to chase Jounouchi and Miho with the broom. Honda has Jounouchi cornered, but as soon as he takes one step forward, Miho blasts him with a fire extinguisher. Jounouchi then runs up to Honda and punches him. However, Honda recovers quickly. He grabs Jounouchi and throws him out the window. Jounouchi quickly grabs onto a nearby curtain and tells Honda this isn’t a joke. Then Jounouchi sees Anzu standing on a plank. He is shocked to see her standing there.

Yuugi begins to analyze the situation. He recalls Shadi saying the slates are a mirror that reflects the monster. Since this is a Concentration game, there are four pairs to the puzzle. Yuugi thinks some more and finally comes up with a solution. He thinks the pairs are eyes, ears, nostrils and hands, since they all make up part of the monster. The only single thing the monster has is its mouth! Yuugi gets it right. The monster disappears, and the slates are flipped over, revealing the correct answer. Shadi congratulates Yuugi for a splendid job; however, that was only the beginning. The next part of the game begins, as Shadi introduces Yuugi to his new playmate: Jounouchi. Shadi says he’s made Jounouchi from Yuugi’s memory real. However, Shadi revived Jounouchi from the time he bullied Yuugi.

Jounouchi takes Yuugi’s Millenium Puzzle and rips it from his neck. Part of the ground disappears, leaving Yuugi and Jounouchi standing on a platform. Shadi explains the rules. Yuugi and Jounouchi will both take turns rolling the Millenium Puzzle like a die. Where the puzzle points, the player must take two steps into that direction. The first player to make the opponent jump off the platform wins. Shadi wants to see Yuugi destroy his memory from the past. Yuugi knows the Jounouchi he’s facing is only Shadi’s illusion. But what if it really is the real Jounouchi who’s just under Shadi’s spell? Jounouchi begins to speak. He can’t believe Yuugi would treasure something like the Millenium Puzzle! Yuugi is in shock from Jounouchi’s words. Instantly, two of the remaining statues break, leaving one left.

Jounouchi tosses the Millenium Puzzle to the ground. The puzzle points into a certain direction, and Yuugi takes two steps into that direction. Now it’s Yuugi’s turn. Yuugi says he won’t roll. He does not want to play with Jounouchi. Jounouchi assumes Yuugi will past. He tosses the Millenium Puzzle on the ground again. It points to the same direction as before, and Yuugi walks two more steps. Now Yuugi is at the edge of the platform. It’s now Yuugi’s turn, but he passes again. Shadi asks Yuugi if he gives up. Yuugi thinks Shadi is wrong. He believes in his friend. Shadi says Yuugi can’t crush his past. This game traps Yuugi because he’s too weak. Shadi says strength comes from believing in oneself. Then Shadi orders Jounouchi to roll the puzzle again and end the game. However, Jounouchi doesn’t respond to Shadi’s command. Instead, Jounouchi disappears. Shadi can’t believe his illusion of the past is disappearing! Yuugi picks up his Millenium Puzzle and says Jounouchi is now a different person.

Suddenly, the single rope holding Anzu up starts to tear. Yuugi runs to Anzu. When he gets to the fence, he sees Jounouchi trying to hold the plank up. Shadi can’t believe Yuugi’s friends are supporting each other. The statue linked to Shadi’s heart begins to crack. Yuugi asks Shadi if he knows where true strength comes from. Shadi doesn’t respond. Yuugi says it’s from believing in one’s friends. With that, the statue linked to Shadi breaks, and the Millenium Ankh touches Anzu’s hand. Anzu comes back to her senses. Wondering where she’s at, Anzu looks down. Noticing it’s a long way down, Anzu screams. Jounouchi tells Anzu to hurry up because he can’t support the plank much longer! Suddenly, Honda creeps up towards Jounouchi. Jounouchi loses control and drops the plank. Anzu starts to fall, but Yuugi quickly grabs onto Anzu. The plank falls, and the Millenium Ankh hits Honda’s head. Honda comes back to his senses and tightly holds onto Honda. Miho then comes running out onto the roof to make sure her friends are all right. Yuugi and Anzu are safe on the roof, but Jounouchi and Honda are still trapped.

The Millenium Ankh falls, but Shadi catches it. He admits he lost to Yuugi, but he knows his family and Yuugi’s fate have not disappeared. He says Yuugi has a mission to draw out the true power of the Millenium Puzzle. Yuugi and Shadi will meet again.

Go to: « S0-05 The Secret of Yugi is Revealed! | S0-07 A Chaotic Background of Digital Pet »


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